

C3ds - Frequently Asked Questions

C3ds - Frequently asked questions

1) What is C3ds?
2) How can I use it?
3) What do you use for graphics?
4) Under which license is it released?
5) Does it support gnu/linux ?
6) Can I improve C3ds and use it in any personal project?
7) Is it possible help C3ds?


1) What is C3ds?

C3ds is a set of classes to read and parse .3ds files with an object oriented approach. It's written in C++ following a cross-platform philosophy, infact, the program uses the C++ Standard Library to read files so you can convert it to any computer platform that provides support for this programming language.

2) How can I use it?

This version of C3ds is composed with the simplest structure trying to avoid any compiler specific command. It's good if you consider C3ds as a resource of code, i.e. a set of classes and routines to read c3ds files rather than a complete application. Anyway if you compile and link the sources shared in the package you can see a graphic example with a rotating 3d object, it's just to show how it may be used.

3) What do you use for graphics?

A simple Glut wrapper. Please, note that C3ds is not confined to any particular graphic environment: C3ds just read and parse the file, the rendering of imported objects is a another matter.

4) Under which license is it released?

GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License). Please, visit www.gnu.org to obtain further information.

5) Does it support gnu/linux ?

Yes, you can find a version of c3ds written for gnu/linux using Anjuta, so it works with gcc.

6) Can I improve C3ds and use it in any personal project?

Yes, following the LGPL.

7) Is it possible help C3ds?

For now C3ds is at 0.7 version, many things can be improved and new features can be supported. So, if you wish to continue c3ds you are welcome.

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